buildroot & dropbear

git clone git://

make menuconfig

gdb/gdbserver/strace 應該是基本款,蠻好用的,可以追glibc實際呼叫的syscall debug選項記得要開

[Toolchain]->[glibc (2.23)]
[Toolchain] -> [GCC compiler Version (gcc 4.8.x)]
[Build options]-> [strip command for binaries on target (none)]
[Build options]->[build packages with debugging symbols]
[Target packages] -> [Debugging, profiling and benchmark]->[gdb]
[Target packages] -> [Debugging, profiling and benchmark]->[gdbserver]
[Target packages] -> [Debugging, profiling and benchmark]->[full debugger]
[Target packages] -> [Debugging, profiling and benchmark]->[strace]
[Target packages] -> [System tools] -> [htop]

Symbol: BR2_PACKAGE_DROPBEAR [=y]                                          │  
  │ Type  : boolean                                                            │  
  │ Prompt: dropbear                                                           │  
  │   Location:                                                                │  
  │     -> Target packages                                                     │  
  │ (1)   -> Networking applications   

make linux-menuconfig

[Kernel hacking]->[Kernel debugging]
[Compile-time checks and compiler options]->[Compile the kernel with debug info]
  • make all


qemu-system-x86_64 --kernel output/images/bzImage \
                   --hda output/images/rootfs.ext2 \
                   --append "root=/dev/sda" \
                   -net nic,model=virtio \
                   -net user \
                   -redir tcp:5556:
#! /bin/bash

qemu() {
	qemu-system-x86_64 --kernel output/images/bzImage \
					   --hda output/images/rootfs.ext2 \
					   --append "root=/dev/sda" \
					   -net nic,model=virtio \
					   -net user \
					   -redir tcp:5556:

gdb() {
	qemu-system-x86_64 -s -S \
                       --kernel output/images/bzImage \
					   --hda output/images/rootfs.ext2 \
					   --append "root=/dev/sda" \
					   -net nic,model=virtio \
					   -net user \
					   -redir tcp:5556:

while true; do
    case "$1" in
        -r|--run) qemu; exit 0;;
        -d|--debug) gdb; exit 0;;
        --) shift; break;;
./ -r

ssh login

qemu 裡面建立  
mkdir -p /home/yshihyu
adduser yshihyu , password xxxx
reboot // save
ssh -p 5556 yshihyu@localhost

passwd 更改 root 密碼就可以讓 root 登入
ssh -p 5556 root@localhost
  • scp
scp atexit.exe shihyu@  // guest qemu to host pc
scp -P 5556 ttt.c shihyu@localhost:/home/shihyu  // host pc to guest qemu

scp -P 5556 test root@localhost:/root
