你所不知道的C語言: linked list 和非連續記憶體操作

Copyright (慣C) 2018 宅色夫

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  • 請透過 gitter (線上對話服務,可透過 GitHub 或 Twitter 帳號登入) 提交疑問和建議事項: guts-general (按下去就對了) :::

從 Linux 核心的藝術談起

  •  Linus Torvalds 在 TED 2016 的訪談 「我不是願景家,我是工程師。我對那些四處遊蕩、望著雲端的人沒有任何意見。但是我是看著地面的人,我想修補就在我面前的坑洞,以免跌進去。」
  •  原本的程式碼 (10 行)
void remove_list_node(List *list, Node *target)
  Node *prev = NULL;
  Node *current = list->head;
  // Walk the list
  while (current != target) {
    prev = current;
    current = current->next;
  // Remove the target by updating the head or the previous node.
  if (!prev)
    list->head = target->next;
    prev->next = target->next;
  •  有「品味」的版本 (4 行)
void remove_list_node(List *list, Node *target)
    // The "indirect" pointer points to the *address*
    // of the thing we'll update.
    Node **indirect = &list->head;
    // Walk the list, looking for the thing that 
    // points to the node we want to remove.
    while (*indirect != target)
        indirect = &(*indirect)->next;
    *indirect = target->next;

:::info 從「要更新什麼位置的資料」思考,無論是 head 或者非 head,更新的是同一類型的資料,不用特別操作,自然省下額外的處理 :::

延伸閱讀: Applying the Linus Torvalds "Good Taste" Coding Requirement


  •  dlist: Type-safe single file linked list
#include <dlist.h>

struct my_data { int data; }
dlist_declare(struct my_data, my_data);

void operate_on_data_list(dlist(my_data) *l) { ... }

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    dlist(my_data) *data = dlist_new(my_data);

circular linked list

龜兔賽跑(Floyd's algorithm)來偵測是否有 cycle 產生

有 3 種狀態需要做討論

圖(1) cycle 在中間、圖(2) 頭尾相連、圖(3)為尾尾相連

  • $a$ 為起始點
  • $b$ 為連接點
  • $c$ 為龜兔相遇位置

我們需要求得三點位置,才能進行處理 假設 $\overline{ac}$ 距離為 $X$ ,這代表 tortoise 走了 $X$ 步,那麼 hare 走了 $2X$ 步, $X$ 數值為多少並不重要,他只代表要花多少時間兩點才會相遇,不影響求出 $\mu , \lambda$ 接下來要分成三個步驟來處理

  • step1: tortoise 速度為每次一步,hare 為每次兩步,兩者同時從起點 $a$ 出發,相遇時可以得到點 $c$。如果是圖(2)的狀況,在第一步結束就求完三點了
  • step2: 兩點分別從點 $a$ 、 $c$ 出發,速度皆為一次一步,相遇時可以得到點 $b$。因為 $\overline{ac}$ 長度為 $X$,那麼 $cycle$ $c$ 長度也為 $X$,相遇在點 $b$ 時,所走的距離剛好都是 $X - \overline{bc}$
  • step3: 從點 $b$ 出發,速度為一次一步,再次回到點 $b$ 可以得到 cycle 的長度
  •  cycle finding

如果只需要判斷是否為 circular linked list,那麼只要執行 step1 的部分,是很簡單。

除了計算 $\mu , \lambda$ ,還需要記錄整個串列的長度,若不記錄,會影響到之後 bubble sort 的實作。

Node *move(Node *cur) {
    if (cur)
        retunr cur->next;
    return NULL;

bool cycle_finding(Node *HEAD, Node **TAIL, int *length, int *mu, int *lambda)
    // lambda is length
    // mu is the meet node's index
    Node *tortoise = HEAD;
    Node *hare = HEAD;

    // get meet point
    tortoise = move(tortoise);
    hare = move(move(hare));
    while (hare && tortoise) {
        tortoise = move(tortoise);
        hare = move(move(hare));

    // not loop
    if (!hare) {
        *TAIL = NULL;
        *length = 0;
        tortoise = HEAD;
        while(tortoise && (tortoise = move(tortoise))) {
        return false;

    // get mu
    *mu = 0;
    tortoise = HEAD;
    while (tortoise != hare) {
        tortoise = tortoise->next;
        hare = hare->next;

    // get lambda
    *lambda = 1;
    tortoise = move(tortoise);
    *TAIL = tortoise;
    while (tortoise != hare) {
        *TAIL = tortoise;
        tortoise = move(tortoise);
    *length = *mu + *lambda;

    return true;


  •  Linux 核心
  • include/linux/list.h
  • 《Linux Device Drivers 3/e》, ch11.5 特點
  • doubly linked list, circular
  • API操作對象為struct list_head, 使用者需自行管理記憶體
  • non thread-safe
  •  glib GList


  • doubly linked list
  • API操作對象為pointer to entry data (as void*), glib內部以struct Glist表示節點, 用法較接近C++ std::list
struct _GList {
  gpointer data;
  GList *next;
  GList *prev;
  •  glib GQueue

glib GAsyncQueue

GAsyncQueue source


  • reference counting (g_async_queue_ref() and g_async_queue_unref())
  • thread-safe: 以GAsyncQueue::mutex保護, 同一時間只有一個thread可變更queue
  • 可自行管理lock (g_async_queue_lock() and g_async_queue_xxx_unlock())


// create
GAsyncQueue *	g_async_queue_new ()
GAsyncQueue *	g_async_queue_new_full ()

// operations
void	g_async_queue_push ()
void	g_async_queue_push_front ()
void	g_async_queue_push_sorted () // the queue should be sorted
gpointer	g_async_queue_pop () // blocking
gpointer	g_async_queue_try_pop () // non-blocking
gpointer	g_async_queue_timed_pop ()
gpointer	g_async_queue_timeout_pop () // non-blocking
gboolean	g_async_queue_remove ()
void	g_async_queue_sort ()
gint	g_async_queue_length ()

// reference counting
GAsyncQueue *	g_async_queue_ref ()
void	g_async_queue_unref ()
void	g_async_queue_ref_unlocked ()
void	g_async_queue_unref_and_unlock ()

// operations for manual lock/unlock
void	g_async_queue_lock ()
void	g_async_queue_unlock ()
void	g_async_queue_push_unlocked ()
void	g_async_queue_push_front_unlocked ()
void	g_async_queue_push_sorted_unlocked ()
gpointer	g_async_queue_pop_unlocked ()
gpointer	g_async_queue_try_pop_unlocked ()
gpointer	g_async_queue_timed_pop_unlocked ()
gpointer	g_async_queue_timeout_pop_unlocked ()
gboolean	g_async_queue_remove_unlocked ()
void	g_async_queue_sort_unlocked ()
gint	g_async_queue_length_unlocked ()

Linux 核心原始程式碼的實作


concurrent-ll程式碼,分析 lock和lock-free版本

十字叉叉代表 scalability(延伸擴展性) 線條代表 Throughput (資料吞吐量),綠色線條為lock-free,紅色線條為lock-based。可以很清楚看到 lock-based 的效能不管多少 thread 都不太會提升效能,而lock-free就會隨著 thread 變多效能提高。

  • Throughput (吞吐量)
    • Throughput is a measure of how many units of information a system can process in a given amount of time.


  • Scalability (擴展性)
    • Scalability is the capability of a system, network, or process to handle a growing amount of work, or its potential to be enlarged in order to accommodate that growth.


延伸閱讀: mergesort-concurrent
